Has Social Media Liberated Women's Bodies In Terms of Beauty?
How it works:
For my research project I am looking into social media and beauty standards. Therefore, I decided my output should be relevant to this and use new technologies. That is why I have created this website to present my research and make it more accessible, particularly to those who use social media.
My research has been separated into parts. I recommend you follow the below in a consecutive order:
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Beauty Ideals - Theory
Part 3: Beauty Positivity and Diversity
Part 4: My Research Experiment
Part 5: Conclusion
Attached to this website are 2 additional pages. One is my bibliography which includes my sources for my secondary research. The other is my blog which is an appendix and this blog acted as a reflective journal for my experiment. You may read them, however, they are not a necessity to understand my research project.